Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Summer at Sturbridge

I'm very excited to being interning at Old Sturbridge Village this summer. I visited the museum for the first time last summer and immediately loved it. My talks with two of the women who I'll be working under have me even more excited. So far they seem genuinely kind as well as passionate about their work. I recieved a very positive impression from both of them and from the interpretors I spoke to during my visits to the musuem. I'm really looking forward to being part of such a positively charged team.
This blog is devoted to my experiences this summer so check back in to see how its going. Orientation/training begins on 5/31 so that will probably be when I start posting.  I'll be interning in two areas: museum education and interpretation. That means on alternating weeks I'll be working with the summer day camp program. The rest of my time will be spent in the village, rotating between the kitchen gardens and school house.
First thing I'm excited about: costume fitting!!! Check back for pictures!